Being responsible investors
Indépendance AM’s approach is based on long-term investment in small- and mid-cap listed companies, with a reasonable capitalization and a lasting development capacity.
We have always been convinced that environmental, social and governance good practices are the right way to promote lasting performance for companies.
Since 2016, Indépendance AM has endeavored to formalize the incorporation of extra-financial criteria in our analysis to enhance our investment process and do our share for a more sustainable economic development.
Simultaneously, Indépendance AM has been actively involved with the companies in our portfolio to encourage them to adopt good practices and improve their transparency in these matters.
Our funds Indépendance et Expansion – Europe Small and Indépendance et Expansion – France Small & Mid are classified under article 8 of SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) as
“products that promote environmental or social characteristics”.

Article 8 fund under SFDR:
promoting “environmental or social characteristics”
ESG criteria formally integrated in investment process since 2016
member of the Principles for Responsible
Investment network
France Relance certification “promoting sustainable development of French small businesses”
Fully transparent
Indépendance AM’s 3 commitments:
Incorporation of extra-financial criteria in portfolio construction
exclusion of controversial industries and practices, incorporation of environmental, social and governance criteria.
Shareholder commitment policy
constructive dialogue with companies, voting policy, close scrutiny of indicators.
Ethical investment practices
conviction management with share ownership over several years, keeping away from speculative spirals, transparency towards our investors and control systems.
For a detailed description of the implementation of each commitment, download:
Partners and labels
Indépendance AM’s team conducts an in-depth analysis of the companies in which it invests, studying both profitability and value (Quality Value) criteria and ESG criteria.
This analysis is carried out internally, with the help of the above-mentioned partners and during meetings with company managers.
Indépendance AM is composed of a tightly knit team, where each member actively contributes in his or her field of expertise to the analysis, to the consideration of extra-financial criteria and to a better integration of sustainability issues in investment decision-making process.
As part of our ESR policy, Indépendance AM supports:

Buta Monastery
Buta Monastery in Burundi, to promote the development of local communities, particularly through the Base Jeunesse Charity.

Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), an international NGO with more than 40 years of experience supporting refugees in post-conflict situations, detention center, remote border zones, city areas and refugee camps.